NMB48 Ichikawa Miori announces graduation

NMB48 Ichikawa Miori announces graduation

Ichikawa Miori decide to leave NMB48, she is announced graduation during AKB48 Request Hour 2018.

Regarding Miorin last activity with NMB48 to be announced through official site.

Member NMB48 Ichikawa Miori has announced her graduation from the group. It was announced Ichikawa when she appeared in AKB48 Group event, 'AKB48 Group Request Hour Set List Best 100 2018 [Tokyo Motor Show] held on January 19, 2018 at Tokyo Dome City Hall.

In the announcement, Ichikawa said, "There is something I want to say to all of you, Ichikawa Miori, will graduate from NMB48 in the spring of this year, 8 years of living as an Idol, I have many opportunities to join AKB48 and NMB48 , meeting with the members and staff, as well as the fans who always support me, this is a treasure in my life Thank you very much I am very happy if you continue to support me in the future.

Regarding Ichikawa's future plans, this will be revealed when she appeared on SHOWROOM.

Ichikawa Miori joined AKB48 in 2010 as the 10th Generation AKB48. June 2011 she was promoted to Team 4 and August 2012 in move to Team B. April 2013 Ichikawa status Kennin in NMB48 Team N until fully transferred to NMB48 Team BII in February 2014. January 2017 Ichikawa returned to Team N until now.

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