'Meishi Ditu' the new GNZ48 cooking TV Program

GNZ48 presents a new food-related program under the title 'Meishi Ditu'. In contrast to GNZero, the program will introduce cuisine from their base City in Guangzhou. The first episode of the program will air on January 12, 2018 at 12:00 CST on NetEase (live.ent.163.com).

GNZ48 Guangzhou Foodmap variety.jpg

Meishi Ditu is actually intended for foreign fans who will visit Guangzhou and do not know what to eat. GNZ48 members will then recommend food from Guangzhou as well as invite you to eat fine cuisine. The first episode of the program will be guided by 4 members of Team NIII. They are Chen Nanqian, Liu Lifei, Liu Qianqian, and Xian Shennan.

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