'Sweet Festival' released in different SNH48 Sister Group version

SNH48 has released music and newest single special MV for new year 2018 titled 'Tianmi Shengdian' or 'Sweet Festival'. The single is in the form of an EP will be launched on December 24, 2017.

SNH48 GROUP Sweet Festival EP.jpg

In the Sweet Festival single, SNH48 includes their sister groups consists BEJ48, GNZ48, SHY48 and CKG48 in a coupling song as well as senbatsu members.

Uniquely this single EP will be released in 5 different versions and 2 types, namely SNH48 ver, BEJ48 Version, GNZ48 Version, Version SHY48, and CKG48 Version. The version consists of Standard Type and Donation Type.

The difference The SNH48 version will consist of 7 songs and the others group's version will only have 5 songs. Curious about the songs in this single?

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