Nogizaka46 Shiraishi Mai Wins Award For Photobook "Passport"

On December 2nd, 2017, Nogizaka46 member Shiraishi Mai attended the '10th Oricon Yearly "Book Book" Ranking 2017' held in Tokyo.

Nogizaka46 Shiraishi Mai Wins Award For Photobook "Passport"

Shiraishi Mai 'Passport [パ ス ポ ー ト]' second solo photobook released February 7 has sold 228,783 copies [the counting period from 21 November 2016 ~ 19 November 2017] and earned the first in the photobook category. 'Passport' broke sales records since 2008 and became the highest selling solo female photobook in history.

Coming in a black dress, Shiraishi who received the award trophy commented, "I still can not believe that I can receive this amazing award, I'm so glad I did not expect it at all."

Maiyan continued, "I am grateful that I can achieve this award thanks to the support of those around me."

When asked for future expectations, Mai Shiraishi replied, "I want to challenge a lot of things, Oricon also has a musical warning, so I will try hard and hope someday Nogizaka46 can also receive the award."

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