Nogi Eigo Special New Year will be broadcast next week

TBS program 'Nogiza46 Eigo [乃 木 坂 46 え い ご]' or 'Nogi Eigo [の ぎ え い ご]' will air a special episode 'Nogizaka46 Eigo New Year 2018 60min SP [乃 木 坂 46 え い ご 2018 新春 60 分 SP]'.

Nogieigo 2018 SP.jpg

This time, Saito Asuka will be featured as a guest star for the first time and Ikuta Erika and Nakada Kana will perform as guest stars for the second time.

In this special episode, Saito Asuka, Ikuta Erika and Nakada Kana as guest stars will face the regular members of this program namely Kawago Hina, Wada Maaya and Noujo Ami in game battle using english.

TBS 'Nogizaka46 Eigo New Year 2018 60min SP'

Showtimes: 7 January 22:00 ~ 23:00 JST / 20:00 ~ 21:00 pm

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