Facts about Logan Lucky movie in 2017 you should know

'Logan Lucky' is a Hollywood movie based on drama and comedy genres. The Logan Lucky filming was directed by Steven Soderbergh, with a movie script written by Rebecca Blunt, for the production house of Entertainment One.

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Logan Lucky movie starring a row of top Hollywood actor-actresses such as Channing Tatum, who also became one of the producers of this film. Then there is Daniel Craig who is known through his role as agent 007. There are also Katie Holmes, Adam Driver and Riley Keough.

In addition to featuring acting skills of 3 stars Channing Tatum primarily, Adam Driver and Daniel Craig, this film was presenting excitement NASCAR racing action car.

Movie Synopsis 'Logan Lucky'

The movie 'Logan Lucky' tells the story of two brothers Jimmy (Channing Tatum) and Clyde (Adam Driver) who are planning to go to the Charlotte Motor Speedway, which is stored underground in the NASCAR race.

However, to run the action they need to recruit experts dismantle volatile, Joe Bang (Daniel Craig). So, the first thing to do is they should be able to get Joe Bang out of jaiil to be able to help taking the money.

Unfortunately the theft business was started 'terendus' FBI agents.

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