BNK48 to release photobook & forming a new team BIII

BNK48 1st Photobook “The Sisters” Release Announcement + 1st Sneak Preview announced at the #BNK48WeWishYou event today.

BNK48 to release photobook & forming a new team BIII

BNK48 Team BⅢ are Cherprang, Tarwaan, Jennis, Jan, Pupe, Noey, Kate, Jane, Namneung, Miori, Jaa, Kaew, Can, Mind, Orn, Namsai, Mobile, Music, Pun, Izurina, Satchan, Jib, Korn, Kaimook.

BNK48 Captain : Cherprang Areekul (Cherprang)
BNK48 Team BⅢ Captain : Punsikorn Tiyakorn (Pun)
BNK48 Team BⅢ Vice Captain : Jennis Oprasert (Jennis)

Team BⅢ :
Cherprang, Tarwaan, Jennis, Jan, Pupe, Noey, Kate, Jane, Namneung, Miori, Jaa, Kaew, Can, Mind, Orn, Namsai, Mobile, Music, Pun, Izurina, Satchan, Jib, Korn, Kaimook

Trainee :
Piam, Nink, Namhom, Maysa
1st Stage untuk Theater " Party ga Hajimaru yo"

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