Theories of Mass Communication - The Influence of Media on the Public

Theories of Mass Communication

Mass Communication Theory (Mass Communication Theory) berintikan influence or impact of mass media (media effect) to the public.

The theory of mass communication shows or illustrates the magnitude of the effect of media presentation on society.

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The most influential media is television because TV is a "media of view and hearing" so that the eyes, ears, minds, and feelings of the audience focus on TV shows.

Mass Communication is the process of delivering messages through mass media. Mass Communication (Mass Communication) stands for Mass Media Communication (Mass Media Communication), namely communication through the media.

Mass Media Jura is an abbreviation of Mass Communication Media (Mass Communication Media), the means or channel of communication to the public (mass).

Theories of Mass Communication

Here are the Theories of Mass Communication as argued by experts or academics in the field of communication.

1. Magical Bullet Theory (Magic Bullet Theory, Hypodermic Needle Theory)

  • Mass media change or control public behavior.
  • The public is powerless to accept a media "bullet" (news) strike.
  • Mass media have a mighty power, communicant is considered passive.
  • Wilbur Schramm proposed in the 1950s, but revoked in the 1970s because it was not passive public.

2. Selective Process Theory

  • Public tend to do "selective exposure" and reject messages different from their beliefs.
  • Selective reception reduces the impact of media.

3. Social Learning Theory

  • Viewers imitate what they see on television through the process of "observational learning", such as glamorous love like television. 

4. Innovation Diffusion Theory

  • Spoken Everett M. Rogers.
  • The media plays a role in disseminating messages as ideas, works, or objects that are considered new.
  • The media influence the public to adopt or reject something new or different.

5. Theory of Cultivation

  • Media, especially TV, is a tool for learning about our society and our culture; also learn about the world, its people, and its customs.
  • Television influences the viewer's idea of the world's image.

6. Step Theory (Step Flow Theory)

  • The influence of mass media takes place through stages or steps.
  • Consisting of (1) The One-Stage Theory -One Step Flow, the media directly reach / influence the communicant, (2) The Two-Stage Theory - Two Step Flow, the influence of the media through third parties, the "opinion leader" , in a more personal situation, (3) Theory of Many Stages -Multistep Flow, the influence of media flows back and forth from the media to the audience, back to the media, and back to the audience,

7. The Uses and Gratification Theory

  1. The public uses the media to meet their needs.
  2. Illustrates how the public uses the media to satisfy the various needs of his life.
  3. Audiences are proactive and look for media that can meet their needs.
  4. The public selects what they want to see or read.
  5. Media compete to meet the needs of the public individual

Similarly, Theories of Mass Communication - Influence of Media to Public as stated by experts. Thanks.

Dennis McQuail, Mass Communication Theory: An Introduction, Erland, Jakarta, 1987.
William R. Rivers, Mass Media and Modern Society: Second Edition, Prenada Media, Jakarta, 2003.
Winarni, Mass Communication: An Introduction, UMM Press, 2003.
"Mass Communication Theories", Brian Brown.

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