Fairy W!nk 'Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru?' Cover & MV single released

Cover and music video single duo unit 'fairy w! Nk' which consists of two member HKT48 ie Aramaki Misaki and Unjo Hirona is' Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? [天使 は ど こ に い る?] 'Which will be released December 13, 2017 has been released.

fairy w!nk - Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru.jpg

Concept cover duo single unit is a female idol of the 1980s and even director Tanaka Nozomi who is responsible for making MV also choose the retro clothing in this MV.

The single will be released in 2 different types which consist of CD and DVD. Coupling song single will be performed by duo FuuSae [Yagura Fuuko & Murase Sae], Shirai Kotono solo and Trio Kiss no Tempura [Kitahara Rie, Miyazaki Miho, Oya Shizuka].


Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? / 天使はどこにいる?- fairy w!nk
Abata mo Ekubo mo Fuku wa Uchi / あばたもえくぼもふくわうち - FuuSae
Darenimo Iwanaide / 誰にも言わないで - Shirai Kotono
Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? ~off vocal ver~
Abata mo Ekubo mo Fuku wa Uchi ~off vocal ver~
Darenimo Iwanaide ~off vocal ver~

Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? Music Video
Abata mo Ekubo mo Fuku wa Uchi Music Video
Darenimo Iwanaide Music Video


Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? / 天使はどこにいる?- fairy w!nk
Abata mo Ekubo mo Fuku wa Uchi / あばたもえくぼもふくわうち - FuuSae
Bokutachi no Chikyuu / 僕たちの地球 - Kiss no Tempura
Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? ~off vocal ver~
Abata mo Ekubo mo Fuku wa Uchi ~off vocal ver~
Bokutachi no Chikyuu ~off vocal ver~

Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? Music Video
Abata mo Ekubo mo Fuku wa Uchi Music Video
Bokutachi no Chikyuu Music Video

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