Unfortunately, now comes a squirrel animal that carries the disease in the form of Adblock on the latest update. What happens if most visitors on our Blog the majority use UC Browser when accessing our blog? Surely our ads will not run and the revenue from Adsense Ads will significantly decrease. Well, is it fair for us who as Adsense Publisher?
If you are an Adsense Publisher and want to redirect UC Browser visitors to Google Chrome, then please apply "How to Redirect Visitors UC Browser to Google Chrome on Blogger and WordPress" below:
Blogger Blogspot
1. Sign in Blogger account
2. Select Themes / Templates >> Edit HTML
3. Find the code </ head>
4. Copy the code below, place it right above the code </ head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest == "true"'>5. Copy Javascript below, place it between the codes contained in number 4 above in reds.
<script type='text/javascript'>So the code result will be like this!
var findmove1 = navigator.userAgent;
var redirect = findmove1.search("UCBrowser");
if(redirect>1) {
var queries1 = window.location.assign("googlechrome://navigate?url="+ window.location.href);
var activity = queries1;document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(activity);
<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest == "true"'>And Save Template!
<script type='text/javascript'>
var findmove1 = navigator.userAgent;
var redirect = findmove1.search("UCBrowser");
if(redirect>1) {
var queries1 = window.location.assign("googlechrome://navigate?url="+ window.location.href);
var activity = queries1;document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(activity);
In WordPress Self-hosted
1. Log in to WP Account2. Select Appearance >> Editor >> header.php
3. Copy the Javascript below, place it right above the code </ head>
<script type='text/javascript'>4. Press the Update File!
var findmove1 = navigator.userAgent;
var redirect = findmove1.search("UCBrowser");
if(redirect>1) {
var queries1 = window.location.assign("googlechrome://navigate?url="+ window.location.href);
var activity = queries1;document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(activity);
Every time a visit to your Blog comes from UC Browser users it will automatically be redirected to Google Chrome.