AKB48 will re-release the group's new album on upcoming January 24, 2018.
This was announced when the members of HKT48 Sashihara Rino, AKB48 Watanabe Mayu and member AKB48 / NGT48 Kashiwagi Yuki appeared on the broadcast of 'Sashi, Mayuyu, Yukirin Saigo no Niconama Joshikai [さ っ し ー, ま ゆ ゆ, ゆ き り ん 最後 の ニ コ 生 女子 会]' broadcast live on Niconico, November 27, 2017.
The album will be the group's ninth album and released one year since the release of the album 'Thumbnail [サ ム ネ イ ル]' on January 25th earlier of this year.
Album details will be announced later.
AKB48 to release their 9th album earlier 2018