AKB48 to release their 9th album earlier 2018

AKB48 will re-release the group's new album on upcoming January 24, 2018.

AKB48 to release their 9th album earlier 2018

This was announced when the members of HKT48 Sashihara Rino, AKB48 Watanabe Mayu and member AKB48 / NGT48 Kashiwagi Yuki appeared on the broadcast of 'Sashi, Mayuyu, Yukirin Saigo no Niconama Joshikai [さ っ し ー, ま ゆ ゆ, ゆ き り ん 最後 の ニ コ 生 女子 会]' broadcast live on Niconico, November 27, 2017.

The album will be the group's ninth album and released one year since the release of the album 'Thumbnail [サ ム ネ イ ル]' on January 25th earlier of this year.

Album details will be announced later.

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