AKB48 50th single '11-Gatsu no Anklet' total first day sales

On 22 November 2017, AKB48 officially released their 50th single entitled '11-gatsu no Anklet [1 月 の ア ン ク レ ッ ト] '.

AKB48 - 11-gatsu no Anklet' 1st day.jpg

On the first day of release, the single has sold 1,048,400 copies and topped Oricon's daily single chart.

'11-gatsu no Anklet 'will be the last single of Watanabe Mayu who has performed her graduation concert some time ago. In this song, Watanabe Mayu also became the center for the first time after 3 years since she became a w-center with Miyawaki Sakura in 38th single 'Kibouteki Refrain [希望 的 リ フ レ イ ン]' released in 2014.

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