Car or motorcycle bike tires often leak. One of the causes is pierced nail mines. However, it should be noted, although leaking tires can be repaired by patched, but it is not all can be done, especially if the problem occurs on the side.
According to the Performance Development Plan Segment Manager of PT Michelin Indonesia Refil Hidayat, if the tire leaked on the side the most appropriate way is to replace it.
Refil word, tire leak must be replaced because the part is very directly related to the construction of tires, where the tire side radial tech, if unloaded as a whole consists of yarn, while the tire tread is stronger because it has iron.
"In the side tires (tire construction) will more often up and down, more like a suspension. If the thread is broken, then patched, he (disturbed) will go up and down, "said Refil.
In contrast, Refil states, if the tire leaks in the tread area is still allowed to be done penambalan. Only, to do the patch must be considered how the distance between the new hole with the old hole.
Therefore, it is recommended that the maximum tar leaching patch is only six millimeters apart. if more than that, not recommended, because it can damage the structure of the tire.
Section of Motorcycle and Car Tires that Should Not be Patched