Keyakizaka46 Will Perform In TV Program Asahi "Music Station"

Keyakizaka46 - Kaze ni Fukarete mo.jpg

On November 3rd, 2017, Keyakizaka46's idol group will be performing on the TV music show Asahi 'Music Station [ミ ュ ー ジ ッ ク ス テ ー シ ョ ン]'.

In this episode, Keyakizaka46 will perform a new song from the group's new single 'Kaze ni Fukarete mo [風 に 吹 か れ て も]' which was released on October 25, 2017.

TV Asahi 'Music Station'

Showtimes: 3 November 2017, 20:00 ~ 20:54 JST / 18:00 ~ 18:54 WIB
Keyakizaka46: KAze ni Fukarete mo
SHISHAMO: Hora, Waratteru
JUJU: Iiwake
Hey! Sy! JUMP: I / O
Miura Yutaro: Playback part 2

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