Kaze ni Fukarete mo Sales record in first week Keyakizaka46 single

Kaze ni Fukarete mo Sales record in first week Keyakizaka46 single

The 5th single idol group Keyakizaak46 'Kaze ni Fukarete mo [風 に 吹 か れ て も]' released on October 25 has sold over 643,000 copies in its first week and topped Oricon's weekly single chart.

'Kaze ni Fukarete mo' became Keyakizaka46's 5th single in a row to top the Oricon weekly singles chart since their debut single was released April 2016.

Keyakizaka46 ranks second as a female artist who has won the Oricon weekly singles chart successively since the release of her debut single. The first position is still occupied by HKT48 who won the Oricon weekly top single weekly singles in a row 10 times since the release of their debut single 'Suki! Suki! Skip [ス キ! ス キ! ス キ ッ プ!] 'Which was released last March 2013.

The weekly 'Kaze ni Fukarete mo' sales increased by 10,333 copies from the 4th single 'Fukyouwaon [不 協和 音]' which sold 632,667 copies in the first week.

For the Japanese version of Billboard, the single 'Kaze ni Fukarete mo' successfully sold 722,954 copies for the first week and increased by 69,922 copies from the single 'Fukyouwaon' which sold 653,032 copies in a week.

Note: The above calculations are based on the number of rounds reported by Oricon on their website [this news is posted by Oricon in the morning]. This figure will be updated if Oricon has updated their weekly single chart info table [usually done in the afternoon].

The total sales ranking of Keyakizaka46 single in a week [Oricon]:
Kaze ni Fukarete mo = 643,000 [rounding]
Fukyouwaon = 632,667
Futari Saison = 444,322
Sekai ni wa Ai Shika Nai = 323,066
Silent Majority = 261,580

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