Full Review New KTM Duke 2017 and Usage Experience Motorcycle

First saw the new KTM Duke 250 version 2017, honestly I personally really amazed with the design offered.

review new ktm duke 2017

New KTM Duke 250 version 2017 at our headquarters. Motorcycles that have extraordinary charm because the design offered is really cruel. The real Street Fighter that anyone will surely be amazed to see. Thanks to PT KTM Penta Jaya who entrusted the unit to direct test by Odon for daily driving. So on this 2017 version we will review plus minus the iron horse.

Especially in this latest generation KTM do a lot of improvements, especially in some sectors to make the machine smoother. The sound of the exhaust can also be said to be more compact than the previous version.

Specifically on paper, KTM Duke 250 is probably the fastest one-cylinder engine available. Spek 4 engine capable of bursting up to 30 HP. Everything is more complete because KTM equip with trellis tubular frame made by WP which claimed light but super efficient. Not to mention the swing arm or swing arm that uses the design 690 Duke R. So this bike should have a topnotch handling.

But of course all is not complete if we do not test directly. Is it true that the new KTM Duke 250 2017 version is able to show its performance in accordance with the manufacturer's claims?

What kind of sensation when used and whether the motor is tough when used to penetrate the dense street ?. It will be interesting for us to review it completely.

Therefore, in this article Odon wishes you would like to get involved with some questions about the new Duke 250. What should Odon be digging in the field ?. And what makes you curious about the new KTM Duke 250 version 2017 ?. Will try Odon's answer with real road test. Who knows the future we all have a fortune so that can boyong the iron horse.

Last .... KTM Duke 250 version 2017 sold at price Rp 48 million in Jakarta. In addition to engine and design, this motor fuel tank also includes a large 13.4 liter. Is a generation of refinement from previous versions, Please devote your curiosity to this motorcycle so that Odon can answer your curiosity.

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