HUNJIYA Gifts Top 16 Fans for Spotify Wrapped Love

Hunjiya Gifts Top Fans for Spotify Wrapped Love

Korean-American singer HUNJIYA is making waves for her sweet gesture towards her most dedicated fans. 

She recently took to Instagram, announcing that she would send thank-you gifts to the 16 fans who had her as their top artist on Spotify Wrapped.

"If this is you, let me know and I'll send u a thank u gift," she wrote, sparking excitement among her followers. 

Hunjiya Surprises 16 Fans with Special Gifts

This personal touch has only deepened fans' admiration for her.

HUNJIYA, whose other name Alice Kim and real name is Kim Hyun-ji (김현지), debuted independently in 2017. 

She now has 13.5k monthly listeners, with "FAVORITE" being one of her top tracks.

She was previously signed with Paix Per Mil from 2020 to 2023 but has since returned to working independently.

Her thoughtful approach to fan engagement isn't new, but this latest move has cemented her reputation as an artist who truly appreciates her supporters.

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