2o Love to Sweet Bullet Disbands After 10 Years

2o Love to Sweet Bullet Disbands After 10 Years

J-Pop idol group 2o Love to Sweet Bullet held their final live concert on 1st February 2025, marking their 10th anniversary before disbanding. 

The emotional show took place at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo, where all five members performed together for the last time.

Originally, the plan was for all five members to continue in two new groups. 

However, Mihoko Yamahiro and Karen Kurota have since decided to step away from idol activities.

The concert, titled "Memorial Live Graduation", was packed with energy from start to finish. 

Kicking off with "Chiisana Tsubasa", the group powered through an impressive setlist of 32 songs over 2 hours and 20 minutes. Fans sang along, creating a touching farewell moment.

During the encore, Mihoko Yamahiro—who has been with the group since July 2015—tearfully thanked each member. 

The night ended with a massive singalong to "Hitorijime Shitai", bringing their journey to a heartfelt close.

Although their live performances have ended, the group's "birthday" on 1st March will feature a final special event for fans. This will officially wrap up 2o Love to Sweet Bullet’s 10-year legacy.

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