Win Metawin Stuns Fans at Shanghai Disneyland

Win Metawin Stuns Fans at Shanghai Disneyland

Win Metawin, the celebrated GMMTV actor, recently delighted fans by sharing glimpses of his family holiday at Shanghai Disneyland. 

Win’s Instagram posts showcased him enjoying the iconic amusement park, with one photo catching particular attention—a charming shot of him wearing a Donald Duck-themed hat. 

win metawin at shanghai disneyland

The picture quickly went viral, with fans showering him with love and admiration.

Not only fans, but GMMTV colleagues also joined the fun. 

Gemini Norawit teased, calling him “Duckling Win,” to which Win playfully responded, “Daddy Win only!” 

Fellow actress Aye Totsara quipped about his consistent charm, and Leo Saussay affectionately referenced Win as “P’Wanchai.”

The heartwarming interactions added an extra layer of joy for fans, who couldn’t stop gushing over the actor’s adorable vacation vibes.

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