Tani Marii and Misuzu Sena to Leave Venus Parfait

Tani Marii and Misuzu Sena to Leave Venus Parfait

Venus Parfait members Tani Marii and Misuzu Sena have announced their departure from the group, effective 26 January. 

Their final performance will take place at Twinbox AKIHABARA this weekend. 

Both idols expressed gratitude to fans and staff while explaining their decisions.

Tani Marii plans to prioritise her modelling and social media career, aiming to build a strong presence in these fields. 

Having joined Venus Parfait in October 2023, she reflected on her fulfilling 15 months as an idol, crediting her team for the opportunity to return to performing after her departure from Alice Project in 2012.

Misuzu Sena, who juggles her idol life and work as a golfer, admitted that balancing the two has become increasingly difficult. 

She intends to focus on her golf-related activities, including her popular YouTube channel, while continuing to update fans through social media and events.

Both idols will remain affiliated with the I-GET agency, ensuring their future endeavours are supported. 

Their heartfelt statements highlighted their appreciation for the love and encouragement they’ve received throughout their journey with Venus Parfait.

Fans are encouraged to show their support during their farewell performance and beyond, as both Tani and Misuzu transition into the next chapter of their careers.

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