Summer Cake Announces LA Concert for March 2025

Summer Cake Announces LA Concert for March

South Korean singer-songwriter Summer Cake, also known as Kim Min-kyung (김민경), has revealed plans to hold a concert in Los Angeles this March. 

Sharing the news on Twitter via her account @summercake____, she opened a Google Form to gauge fan interest in the event.

Summer Cake, who is also known by the stage names Classy (클래시) and formerly New-A (뉴아), debuted as a solo artist on November 10, 2020, with her hit single "I Know But." 

Before her solo career, she was part of the female duo HIGHCOLOR under TSC.

Renowned for her unique songwriting and composition skills, she continues to captivate fans worldwide. 

Details regarding the venue and ticket sales will be shared soon. Fans are encouraged to fill out the form to express their excitement and help shape the upcoming show.

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