STU48's 'Chiheisen wo Miteiru ka?' Tops Oricon Charts

STU48's 'Chiheisen wo Miteiru ka?' Tops Oricon Charts

STU48 has achieved their sixth Oricon Combined Singles Chart No. 1 with their latest/11th single, Chiheisen wo Miteiru ka?

The track recorded an impressive 116,036 points in its first week, marking a triumphant return to the top after over three years. 

Their last No. 1 was Hetaretachi yo in November 2021.

Breaking down the weekly points, CD sales contributed 110,341 points, digital single downloads added 101 points, and streaming generated 194 points. 

The strong CD sales helped secure the top spot not only on the combined chart but also on the Oricon Weekly Singles Chart, making it a double crown win for STU48 this week.

The group has previously claimed No. 1 with singles such as Kaze wo Matsu, Daisuki na Hito, and Omoidaseru Koi wo Shiyou

This latest win reinforces their consistent chart success since debuting on the Oricon Combined Rankings in 2018.

Meanwhile, Mrs. GREEN APPLE’s Lilac continues to dominate the streaming charts, landing in third place on the combined chart with cumulative points reaching over 1.49 million.

Oricon's Combined Singles Ranking aggregates CD sales, digital downloads, and streaming performance, offering a comprehensive view of a song's popularity.

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