STU48 11th Single Tops Oricon Amid Sales Drop

STU48's New Single Tops Oricon Amid Sales Drop

STU48's New Single Tops Oricon Amid Sales Drop

STU48's latest single, Chiheisen ga Miteiru ka? (Do You See the Horizon?), sold 143,615 copies, a steep decline from their 10th single, Kimi wa Nani Koukai Suru no ka?, which reached 215,310. The first-day sales were notably lower at 94,066 CDs.

Despite the drop, the single secured the top spot on Oricon’s daily chart, outperforming renowned artists like L'ArcenCiel and Da-iCE, winners of the 2021 Japan Record Award.

Fans speculate the decline stems from the graduation of senior members and senbatsu arrangements not meeting expectations. 

Industry experts view this as a natural phase for J-pop groups undergoing leadership transitions and evolving line-ups.

Nonetheless, topping Oricon reaffirms STU48's enduring popularity. 

The group's management remains optimistic, highlighting their ability to compete with top-tier acts. Fans are hopeful future releases will reignite sales momentum.

STU48 continues to navigate challenges while cementing their legacy as a prominent force in the J-pop scene.

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