Snow Man’s Historic Stadium Debut & Record-Breaking Album

Snow Man’s Historic Stadium Debut & Record-Breaking Album

Snow Man marked their fifth anniversary with monumental news. 

On January 22, they released their first best album, “THE BEST 2020 – 2025”, which sold an unprecedented 1,104,605 copies on its first day. 

This made history, as Oricon revealed it’s the first album to sell over a million copies on its debut day since daily sales tracking began in 2009.

During their celebratory YouTube livestream, “Snow Man Debut 5 Shunen! Minna de Iwatchaou Nama Haishin”, the group thrilled fans with the announcement of their first-ever stadium concerts, “Snow Man 1st Stadium Live Snow World

These will take place at National Stadium in Tokyo (19–20 April) and Nissan Stadium in Kanagawa (7–8 June), making Snow Man the third Johnny’s group to perform at the iconic National Stadium, joining SMAP and Arashi.

Additionally, Snow Man will grace the cover of VI/NYL’s first global edition, available 10 February. 

This London-based magazine will showcase them to audiences in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Snow Man’s fifth anniversary is truly one for the books!

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