Rowoon's Image Shift Stirs Debate Among K-netizens

Rowoon's Image Shift Stirs Debate Among K-netizens

Rowoon, former SF9 member and actor, has recently drawn attention as he is reportedly making a comeback in a new drama. 

According to media reports, Rowoon has been offered the role of the male lead in Shining, opposite Kim Minju. 

This role is in a project by the director of Our Beloved Summer. Rowoon is said to be replacing Chae Jonghyeop, who was initially considered the top contender for the lead.

However, following the casting announcement, Rowoon quickly became a trending topic, sparking heated discussions online. 

Many netizens criticised his acting abilities, questioning whether his career had taken a downturn. 

Some pointed out his controversial past, particularly his decision to leave SF9 and pursue acting, which seemed to tarnish his image.

"He's bringing his own bad image with him. He’s not even worthy of being an MC," one user commented. 

Others expressed disappointment in his lack of sincerity in his past roles, citing his uninspiring performance as an MC at awards shows.

While some defend Rowoon, arguing that the backlash is disproportionate, many agree that his actions, such as leaving SF9, have contributed to a shift in public perception. 

“It’s not just fans or haters; people generally don’t like him now,” another netizen remarked.

This has led to a broader conversation on whether Rowoon's acting career will be affected by these public perceptions or if he can turn things around. How will his new role in Shining impact his career trajectory?

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