Qumali Depart: Sao Niko & Yuu Nako to Graduate

Qumali Depart: Sao Niko & Yuu Nako to Graduate

The J-Pop group Qumali Depart has announced the upcoming graduation of founding members Sao Niko and Yuu Nako. 

The duo will bid farewell to fans during the group’s one-man live concert on 2nd July 2025 at Zepp DiverCity (Tokyo).

Sao Niko, the leader and a founding member, has been a key figure in the group since its inception. 

Her departure marks the end of an era for the group. 

Yuu Nako, also a founding member, has had a stellar career and was a Miss iD 2016 finalist under her previous name, Onohara Yuu.

Qumali Depart, known for hits such as Kokodepa! and Sekadepa!, plans to recruit new members following the graduation. 

Further details regarding auditions and future activities will be shared soon, ensuring the group's legacy continues.

The concert promises to be a heartfelt send-off, celebrating the contributions of Sao Niko and Yuu Nako. 

Fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to express their gratitude to the idols.

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