Nagahama Neru spotted dating Nobuyuki Suzuki

Nagahama Neru spotted dating Nobuyuki Suzuki

Suzuki & Nagahama Spotted on Secret NZ New Year Trip

Japanese actor Nobuyuki Suzuki and actress Neru Nagahama have sparked dating rumours after being spotted together on a secret trip to New Zealand during the New Year holidays. 

The pair, both prominent figures in the entertainment world, reportedly blended into the bustling crowd at the airport, heading to the scenic destination nearly 9,000 kilometres from Japan.

Suzuki, known for his breakout roles, is currently starring in Madoka, 26: The Resident and the film Salaryman Kintaro: Akatsuki, showcasing his versatility as an actor. 

Meanwhile, Nagahama Neru, formerly a beloved member of Keyakizaka46, has successfully transitioned into acting after leaving the group in 2019.

Insiders claim Suzuki made bold moves to pursue Nagahama Neru last year, eventually winning her over by autumn. 

The pair reportedly spent New Year’s Eve together, further fuelling speculation about their blossoming relationship.

Nagahama previously voiced concerns about balancing marriage and career, but sources suggest she’s captivated by Suzuki’s earnest personality and unwavering sincerity. As their connection grows stronger, fans are buzzing with anticipation about what’s next for this potential power couple.

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