MATSURI's Debut Single Aventure Nakameguro Tops Oricon Chart

MATSURI's Debut Single Aventure Nakameguro Tops Oricon Chart

MATSURI's debut single Aventure Nakameguro has made an impressive mark, selling 36,182 CDs on its first day and securing the #1 spot on the Oricon Daily Chart.

The male vocal group, created by renowned producer Akimoto Yasushi in collaboration with Avex Management, combines Showa and Heisei era pop music with a modern twist.

Formed alongside their brother group SHOW-WA through the Yume wo Akirameru na! Audition, MATSURI consists of 12 members selected from over 3,000 applicants. 

This unique audition was exclusively for men aged 25 and older, highlighting mature talent in the idol world.

MATSURI's fresh take on nostalgic Japanese pop has resonated widely, demonstrating the timeless appeal of Showa and Heisei music. 

Members Watanabe Makoto, Hashizume Kenji, and Suzuki Wataru, among others, bring their dynamic vocals to this bold new group.

With their stunning debut, MATSURI proves they are not just reviving classic pop but also making it thrive in today’s music scene. Fans eagerly await what comes next.

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