Kusunoki Kohana Joins Kimi ni, Mune Kyun.

Kusunoki Kohana Joins Kimi ni, Mune Kyun.

Kimi ni, Mune Kyun. Welcomes Kusunoki Kohana, 19

Kimi ni, Mune Kyun. has introduced its newest member, Kusunoki Kohana, a 19-year-old former member of chuLa and Rizm☆Attention. 

Kohana, known for her striking talent and charm, will officially debut with the group during their regular performance on 31 January 2025.

Her member colour has changed from pink in Rizm☆Attention and cinnamon in chuLa to light blue for her new journey with Kimi ni, Mune Kyun. 

Kusunoki Kohana’s Kimi Kyun Debut

Kohana previously went by the name Fujisaki Kokoa and served as sub-leader of Rizm☆Attention.

Originally from Aichi Prefecture, Kusunoki Kohana's addition to the group is highly anticipated by fans. Full details of her debut performance will be revealed tomorrow.

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