J-Pop Group HACK to Restructure with New Members

J-Pop Group HACK to Restructure with New Members

HACK to Restructure with New Members in March 2025

J-Pop idol group HACK has announced they will conclude their current lineup on 22nd February 2025. 

The group plans to introduce new members and resume activities with a refreshed system in early March 2025.

HACK, which debuted on 10th June 2023, consists of five members: Amamiya Tsubaki (White), Sakurai Shiori (Blue), Usami Mai (Pink), Murata Aika (Yellow), and Takase Nowa (Red).

According to their official statement, three members—Amamiya Tsubaki, Sakurai Shiori, and Takase Nowa—will graduate from the group after the February performance. 

Usami Mai and Murata Aika will continue with the new system.

The group expressed gratitude to fans and apologised for the sudden announcement. 

Details of the final performance for the current lineup and the debut of the new system will be shared on their official website and social media.

Fans are encouraged to support the members as they transition, and interactions through events or social media about this change have been discouraged. 

HACK remains committed to delivering memorable performances until their lineup ends.

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