fromis_9 Contract Rumours Dismissed by Big Planet Made

fromis_9 Contract Rumours Dismissed by Big Planet Made

Big Planet Made Denies fromis_9 Members’ Contract Rumours

Big Planet Made Entertainment has officially denied reports that five members of fromis_9 have signed contracts with the agency. 

Earlier, media outlets speculated that five out of the eight members of the group were joining Big Planet Made, while the other three were considering deals with other companies.

In an official statement on 17 January, Big Planet Made stated, "The article claiming five fromis_9 members are transferring to our agency is groundless." 

This follows widespread speculation after reports emerged suggesting the group would no longer continue activities as a full team.

fromis_9, formed through the reality show Idol School, officially parted ways with Pledis Entertainment on 31 December 2024 after their exclusive contracts ended. 

The group, consisting of Lee Saerom, Song Hayoung, Park Jiwon, Roh Jisun, Lee Seoyeon, Lee Chaeyoung, Lee Nagyung, and Baek Jiheon, had joined Pledis as part of HYBE's label integration.

Big Planet Made’s clarification quells rumours linking the members to their agency and reaffirms that no agreements have been made.

Fans continue to anticipate news on the members' future plans, following the end of their contract with Pledis. For now, Big Planet Made has confirmed it is not involved in these transitions.

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