Flourished Peony Sparks Peony Sales Boom in China

Flourished Peony Sparks Peony Sales Boom in China

The hit costume drama "Flourished Peony" is captivating audiences on Mango TV, Vidio, Viki, and Hunan Satellite TV, bringing the beauty of the Tang Dynasty to life. 

Peony being the 1st drama on Mango TV to break 20m Kuyun webcast volume (their previous record was 19m).

The story revolves around He Weifang, a fictional businesswoman cultivating peonies and managing a flower shop during the Tang era (618-907 AD).

Starring Yang Zi and Li Xian, the drama mesmerises viewers with stunning visuals of Tang Dynasty gardens, architecture, and traditional attire, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of China. 

It also sheds light on the cultural significance of peonies, sparking real-world interest in the flower industry.

As reported by China Daily, cities across China have witnessed a surge in peony sales during the show's broadcast. 

In Heze city, Shandong province, peak sales began three days earlier this year, with projected growth of 33%. 

Zhao Wenshuang of the Peony Industry Association credits the drama for this unprecedented boost.

The series has achieved international success, streaming in 73 countries, including the US, France, and Spain, further spreading the allure of Chinese culture globally.

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