Deguchi Yuina to Graduate from NMB48

Deguchi Yuina to Graduate from NMB48

Deguchi Yuina, the captain of NMB48's Team BII, has announced her graduation from the group, with her final stage scheduled for April 2025. 

A member since 2018, she reflected on her journey and thanked fans for their unwavering support, promising to give her best until her last performance.

Graduation is a common step in the 48 Group world, as members often pursue new career challenges or step away from the entertainment industry. 

Deguchi Yuina admitted that the decision was tough and had been on her mind for months.

Fans are now speculating whether there will be a graduation concert or a special show to commemorate her departure, though these events are typically reserved for senior members.

Deguchi Yuina rose through the ranks after joining as a kenkyuusei in 2018, earning promotions and leadership roles, including her current captaincy.

As her journey with NMB48 nears its end, Yuina Deguchi hopes to create more cherished memories with her supporters during her remaining time. 

Fans await further details about her graduation plans and wish her success in her future endeavours.

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