BNK48 Mean & CGM48 Sita Proudly Embrace WLW Identity

CGM48 Sita & BNK48 Mean Speak Out as LGBTQ+ Icons

BNK48’s Nathanya Dulyapol (Mean) and CGM48’s Sita Teeradechsakul recently made waves on social media by affirming their LGBTQ+ identities with the hashtag #WLW (Women Loving Women). 

Sita boldly declared, “I’m not servicing anyone. I’m gay. Let’s go our separate ways.” 

Mean responded to a fan’s question about her identity with a confident “For sure ✅.”

Sita, who had already come out in 2021, reiterated her stance when asked on Instagram to address misconceptions around bisexuality and other sexual orientations. 

She said, “I agree. I’m gay too.”

BNK48 Mean & CGM48 Sita Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride

Mean and Sita’s openness marks a significant step forward in representation within the Thai idol scene, encouraging fans to embrace their identities unapologetically.

A few days ago, same-sex marriage was legalised in Thailand, and the law takes effect starting 23 January.

The country has become the first in Southeast Asia to recognise LGBTQ+ unions.

Sita, a Team C member of CGM48 since 2022, joined the group in 2019, while Mean, a Team BIII member of BNK48 since 2022, began her idol journey in 2020. 

Fans have applauded their courage, celebrating them as role models for LGBTQ+ visibility in the idol industry.

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