POLARIX: Starlight Boys' New 9-Member Boy Group

POLARIX: Starlight Boys' New 9-Member Boy Group!

The Korea-China survival programme "Starlight Boys" has officially announced the debut of their highly-anticipated boy group, POLARIX, during its final episode. 

The group consists of nine members selected through public voting.

The lineup includes Shao Ziheng (China), Lee Jun Hyuk (Korea), Xu Shihuan (China), Xin Chen (China), Pentor Jeerapat (Thailand), Han Gyul (Korea), ZAI (Korea), Yang Donghwa (Korea), and Lee Da Eul (Korea). 

With a diverse mix of nationalities, the group boasts four members from China, one from Thailand, and four from South Korea.

Shao Ziheng, the centre, has already gained attention as a rising star in the C-Pop industry. 

POLARIX will be managed by Idol Youth Entertainment, known for producing successful groups like NINE PERCENT and THE NINE.

Operating from South Korea, the group aims to captivate global audiences. 

Their debut marks a new era for cross-cultural collaboration in the music scene. Fans eagerly await their first official release.

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