Ma Yili Awarded China's Top Acting Honour

Ma Yili Awarded China's Top Acting Honour

The Shanghai Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has officially announced that acclaimed actress Ma Yili has been honoured with the title of First-Class Actor, the highest professional rank in the Chinese performing arts industry.

This prestigious title represents one of the two top tiers in the arts profession hierarchy in China. 

It recognises artists who have made exceptional contributions to advancing national arts and culture. 

Recipients of the honour also qualify for a special allowance from the State Council.

The accolade spans various artistic fields, including theatre, opera, film, television, music, and dance, celebrating significant achievements in these areas.

Ma Yili, a graduate of the Shanghai Theatre Academy, has had an illustrious acting career marked by numerous accolades and critical acclaim. 

Her dedication to the craft and her contributions to the cultural landscape have solidified her legacy in Chinese arts.

This recognition further highlights her influence and serves as an inspiration for aspiring artists.

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