Hiyama Saya Pregnant After Marrying Nishioka Yoshihito

Hiyama Saya Pregnant After Marrying Nishioka Yoshihito

Nishioka Yoshihito, the renowned tennis player, and Hiyama Saya, a beloved Japanese weathercaster, have announced their marriage and the exciting news of expecting their first child. 

The couple shared this heartwarming update via their social media accounts on 30 December 2024, asking fans and media to respect their privacy during this special time.

The two began dating in summer 2024 and expressed how loved and cherished they’ve felt since their first date. 

They thanked their fans for the overwhelming support and kind wishes, which have made their journey even more memorable.

While overjoyed, Nishioka Yoshihito and Hiyama Saya gently urged the media to limit their exposure, especially during the pregnancy, to ensure a peaceful and healthy environment. 

Fans worldwide have showered the couple with congratulations and prayers for a bright future.

Their announcement reflects their deep gratitude for the love they’ve received and a hopeful start to their life as a family.

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