Callie Exits JKT48 Amid Scandal Fallout

Callie Exits JKT48 Amid Scandal Fallout

JKT48 has officially announced that Callista Alifia, commonly known as Callie, has resigned from the group as of today. 

The surprising news was confirmed through a statement released by the JKT48 Operation Team.

“Thank you for always supporting JKT48. Starting 20 December 2024, Callista Alifia is no longer continuing her activities as a member of JKT48. We appreciate your understanding,” the statement read.

Callie’s resignation follows a tumultuous year, during which she faced two major scandals that led to sanctions from management. 

While details remain undisclosed, her actions violated the group’s rules, fuelling speculation among fans.

Now free from idol restrictions, Callie is reportedly looking forward to living without the intense scrutiny of fans. 

Her departure underscores the challenges idols face balancing public expectations with personal freedom.

Fans have expressed mixed reactions, with some criticising her actions while others wished her well in her future endeavours. The incident reignites discussions on idol culture and its strict rules surrounding personal lives

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