Sasaki Mirei’s First Photobook “Hizashi no Pareedo” to Shine

Sasaki Mirei’s First Photobook “Hizashi no Pareedo” to Shine

Hinatazaka46’s Sasaki Mirei is bringing a fresh treat to fans with her very first photobook, “Hizashi no Pareedo,” set for release on 17th December 2024. 

The highly anticipated book, which translates to “Parade of Sunlight,” is already stirring excitement, and just today, Mirei unveiled four special covers for the photobook, adding to the hype.

Each cover captures a unique vibe from Mirei, reflecting her warm, sunny personality that fans adore. 

Known for her sweet charm and down-to-earth appeal, Mirei’s photobook promises a range of scenes showing her natural beauty in various settings, from bright outdoor shots to cosy indoor moments. 

The book is set to reveal new sides of Mirei, with sneak peeks already hinting at her playful and heartfelt expressions. 

Fans itw and beyond are counting down, especially after hearing about the care she put into selecting each shot. 

Pre-orders are available now, with some special editions for early birds. Get ready for a delightful parade of Mirei’s radiant charm this December! 

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