AKB48 Drops Surprise: 10th Album Coming Soon

AKB48 Drops Surprise: 10th Album Coming Soon

Announcement during their tour performance today, AKB48 officially revealed details of their upcoming 10th album, set to be released on 25th December 2024. 

Just in time for Christmas, fans can expect the album to bring a special twist, as its concept, "Idol Time Machine", will feature AKB48's take on famous idol songs from the Shōwa, Heisei, and Reiwa eras. 

The title track for the album will see Murayama Yuiri taking the centre position, backed by a strong senbatsu line-up. 

Familiar names like Oguri Yui, Sato Airi, Yamauchi Mizuki, and Kuranoo Narumi will make their mark, alongside Mukaichi Mion, Chiba Erii, Shitao Miu, and more.

Interestingly, this album also welcomes three new senbatsu entries: Muto Orin, Iwatate Saho, and Suzuki Kurumi. 

Fans are already buzzing about what these fresh faces will bring to the table.

With such a diverse range of members involved and a unique throwback concept, AKB48’s 10th album is shaping up to be one of their most exciting releases yet. 

Whether you're a fan of the old-school idol vibes or the latest hits, this album promises something for everyone.

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