CGT48 logo issues made JKT48 fans furious

CGT48 logo issues made JKT48 fans furious

In the middle of SNH48 Group 9th Request Time Best 50 event, SNH48's 5th sister group, CGT48 from Chengdu was officially announced with a dark red logo.

At the end of the event, it is likely that SNH48 Group members who are kenned or transferred to CGT48 will be announced.

However, the CGT48 logo has caused controversy because the color is considered similar to the color of the JKT48 logo. 

JKT48 fans also mentioned that CGT48 could be exposed to copyright infringement, but some people deny that in terms of RGB there is a difference where CGT48 has a Maximum Red "d71418 logo. 

While JKT48 logo color is named Lust with RGB "e50b17". CGT48 soon introduced its first generation members

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