YouTuber KoreKore exposing Suzuki Yuka scandal, even more

Former AKB48 member Suzuki Yuka scandal is getting exposed even more, of course its by KoreKore.
YouTuber KoreKore exposing Suzuki Yuka scandal, even more

A Japanese YouTube channel, KoreKore reveals the Suzuki Yuka scandal back in mid 2021.

Yukarin attends a party where the President Director of the Liver Office, Iida. 

After that, the former AKB48 member left first went to the lobby and waited for the chat, then the president director followed down and entered the hotel.  

Then Yukarin's boyfriend came and made a fuss with 3 people including the president director of iida. 

It is not yet known what was the purpose, Yukarin recorded her chat with the president director of Iida at the hotel and leaked it to KoreKore. 

And Yukarin was mad because KoreKore leaked the file to the president director of iida.

KoreKore is massive, the same channel leaked Watanabe Mahoto scandal.

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