How to vote AKB48 Coupling Request Hour 2022

AKB48 Coupling Songs Request Hour 2022 will be coming soon, and here is how to vote your favorite song for RH.
How to vote AKB48 Coupling Request Hour 2022

Related to AKB48 Coupling Songs Request Hour Best Set List 30 2022. 

The way to evaluate a song so that it can enter RH Coupling is by:

1. MV Views Rating on YouTube - There are a total of 204 songs to choose in this AKB48 Coupling Request Hour 2022 event. 

The MV with the most views will get 204 points, second place 203 points, third place 202 points, and so on (the number of points does not follow the number of views). 

Number of views is calculated from Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 00.00 JST to Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 23:59 JST. 

You can stream your favorite MV on this playlist

2. Voting from AKB48 Mobile - The voting system in AKB48 Mobile will be announced at a later date. 

For awarding points, the same as YouTube views. 

The first place will get 204 points, the second place 203 points, the third place 202 points, and so on. 

As an example 1st in YT (204 points) + 5th in AKB48 Mobile (200 points) = 404 final points. 

If the points are the same, then the song shares the same rating in the AKB48 Coupling Request Hour 2022. 

Regarding the members who will appear at the  AKB48 Coupling Songs Request Hour 2022 and it's concert series: 

1. Sato Minami will not attend the last concert for the current/old team formation.

2. Kitazawa Saki, Okada Nana, Shimizu Maria, Sakagawa Hiyuka, Tokunaga Remi, and Kawahara Misaki will not attend the entire concert on February 2022. 

3. Kawahara Misaki will appear in her stage play "Kokoro ga itaku naru Sketch-shū kimazui!" at Kokumin Kyousai Coop Hall/Space Zero. Missa's appearance in this stage play will make her unable to attend the AKB48 concert series on 5-6 February 2022. 

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