Hiragana Keyaki 2nd generation members to hold Omotenashikai

Member Generation 2 Hiragana Keyaki will hold a solo event 'Omotenashikai [お も て な し 会]'. This was announced at the single handshake event 'Kaze ni Fukaretemo [風 に 吹 か れ て も]' held Jan. 21.

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The same event was also held for member Generation 1 Hiragana Keyaki on October 28, 2016 at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo. At that time, in addition to featuring a mini live, 12 members of Generation 1 are divided into several clubs and show their ability in front of fans who come.

The solo event of Omotenashikai Generation 2 Hiragana Keyaki will be held on February 12, 2018 at Makuhari Event Hall, Chiba.

In addition, Hiragana Keyaki's 3-day concert tickets to be held at Nippon Budokan, January 30 ~ February 1, 2018 have been sold out.

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