On December 22nd, AKB48 Staff had asked Twitter Japan about Nako's twitter account which was suspended.
Continue to have replies people who reported Nako's account (for new account) is @ nako_yabuki_74 account.
He said that he saw the staff mentionan (私 を 見 つ け る)
He said Nako should not be there (ナ コ は 存在 す べ き で は な い 😈😈😈😈)
And he says will continue to challenge AKB48 (AKB48 に 挑 戦 し 続 け ま す 😛🤫😔😑)
He said that he was doing hybrid (?) (Probably means suspending both) Nako & Miku account.
The guy wants to talk to (representatives from) AKB48 and HKT48 why he's doing that to Nako & Miku's twitter account.
If this is not addressed, he said it would still freeze their twitter account.
This is why Yabuki Nako & Miku Tanaka Twitter got suspended