There are 5 new songs on HKT48 first Album.
1. Hitosashiyubi no Juudan - senbatsu
2. 2018-nen no hashi - Sashi SakuHaru MeruMio
3. Bokura no Stand by Me - 2nd gen
4. Fanmeeting - F24
5. Passion Fruit no Himitsu - Chou
HKT48 1stアルバム
HKT48's first album title to be released December 27, 2017 has been announced '092'. Tracklist and album cover has also been released.
The album will consist of 5 types namely type A ~ D [CD + DVD] and Theater Edition. Disc 1 in each type will consist of 10 main songs from the first single HKT48 'Suki! Suki! Skip! [Up to the latest single 'Kiss wa Matsushikanai no Deshouka? [キ ス は 待 つ し か な い の で し ょ う か?] '. While Disc 2 will consist of coupling song singles that have been released plus 5 new songs.
For DVD will contain a short video of the member HKT48 'Toei Presents HKT48 × 48 Filmmakers [東 映 gift HKT48 × 48 人 の 映 画 監督 た ち]'.