HKT48 first album '092' all you need to know

There are 5 new songs on HKT48 first Album. 

1. Hitosashiyubi no Juudan - senbatsu 
2. 2018-nen no hashi - Sashi SakuHaru MeruMio
3. Bokura no Stand by Me - 2nd gen
4. Fanmeeting - F24
5. Passion Fruit no Himitsu - Chou 

HKT48 first album '092' all you need to know

HKT48 1stアルバム

HKT48's first album title to be released December 27, 2017 has been announced '092'. Tracklist and album cover has also been released.

The album will consist of 5 types namely type A ~ D [CD + DVD] and Theater Edition. Disc 1 in each type will consist of 10 main songs from the first single HKT48 'Suki! Suki! Skip! [Up to the latest single 'Kiss wa Matsushikanai no Deshouka? [キ ス は 待 つ し か な い の で し ょ う か?] '. While Disc 2 will consist of coupling song singles that have been released plus 5 new songs.

For DVD will contain a short video of the member HKT48 'Toei Presents HKT48 × 48 Filmmakers [東 映 gift HKT48 × 48 人 の 映 画 監督 た ち]'.

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