Photobook Nagahama Neru Reaches 120k Copies First Edition

Photobook Nagahama Neru Reaches 120k Copies First Edition

The first member photobook of Keyakizaka46 Nagahama Neru 'Koko Kara [こ こ か ら]' to be released December 19, 2017 comes, has printed 120,000 copies for the first edition prints.

With this number, the Nagahama photobook became the first ever printed photo book ever printed in the history of Sakamichi Series photobook members.

The first edition of this Nagahama photobook is 20,000 copies more than the printed number of the best-selling photobooks belonging to Nogizaka46 member Shiraishi Mai 'Passport' who printed 100,000 copies.

Representatives of the salespeople said, bookings against Nagahama photobook so extraordinary even they worry about 120,000 copies have not sufficient booking needs. It is remarkable for an Idol who debuted in April last year.

In addition, the first printed edition of Nagahama photobook photo is also the most among Sakamichi's seven members photobooks [Wakatsuki Yumi, Shinuchi Mai, Hori Miona, Watanabe Rika, Matsumura Sayuri, Nauti Nagahama, Yoda Yuki] to be released in November ~ December this year.

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