Nogizaka46 to perform in C3AFA Hong Kong next year

November 24, 2017, Nogizaka46 performed at the 'C3 Animation Festival Asia [C3AFA]' event held in Singapore. And at this event it was announced that Nogizaka46 will be performing again at the same event to be held in Hong Kong next year.

Nogizaka46 C3AFA Hong Kong.jpg

'Animation Festival Asia' is one of Japan's largest pop culture festivals in East Asia. With Hong Kong's Nogizaka46 'C3AFA' appearance, it will be the third Nogizaka46 event outside of Japan after Singapore's 'C3AFA' and 'Japan Expo 2014' France.

'C3 Animation Festival Asia [C3AFA]' Hong Kong is scheduled to take place on 9 ~ 11 February 2018.

Nogizaka46 @ C3AFA Singapore 2017


M01. Hadashi de Summer
M02. Taiyou Knock
M03. Hashire Bicycle
M04. Seifuku no Mannequin

-- MC --

M05. Nandome no Aozora ka?
M06. Barette
M07. Kimi no na wa kibou

-- MC --

M08. Guru Guru Curtain
M09. Oide Shampoo

-- Announcement HongKong Schedule for Nogizaka46 --

M10. Itsuka dekiru kara kyou dekiru

- End -

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