M-ON! TV will broadcast Nogizaka46 documentary Singapore

nogizaka46 documentary

MUSIC ON! TV / M-ON! TV will broadcast a documentary program titled 'Nogizaka46 meets Asia! ~ Singapore ver. ~ [乃 木 坂 46 meets Asia! ~ シ ン ガ ポ ー ル ver. ~] 'In the coming December.

The program will feature the coverage of Nogizaka46's idol group performance from the Tokyo Dome show up to the debut of Nogizaka46 in Asia at the 'C3 Animation Festival Asia [AFA]' event to be held in Singapore, 24 ~ 27 November 2017.

M-ON! TV 'Nogizaka46 meets Asia! ~ Singapore ver. ~ '

Airing Schedule: December 27, 2017, 21: 30 ~ 22: 30 JST / 29: 30 ~ 20: 30 pm
Release: December 30, 2017, 24:00 ~ 25:00 JST / 22:00 ~ 23:00 pm

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