Watanabe Mayu Graduation Concert Will Be Broadcasted on BS SKY PerfecTV

Watanabe Mayu Graduation Concert.jpg

AKB48 graduation concert Watanabe Mayu will be held on 31st October 2017 at Saitama Super Arena.

The concert, entitled 'Watanabe Mayu Sotsugyou Concert ~ Min'na no Yume ga Kanaimasu You ni ~ [渡 辺 麻 友 卒業 コ ン サ ー ト ~ み ん な の 夢 が 叶 い ま す よ う に ~]' will be broadcast live by BS SKY PerfecTV.

BS SKY PerfecTV 'Watanabe Mayu Sotsugyou Concert'

Showtimes: October 31, 2017, 18:30 ~ JST / 16:30 ~ WIB

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